My Purpose and a Welcome Message

I've considered doing a blog for a while, but until now felt that it would be pointless. Why would anyone care what I have to say? Well, some things have changed, and I now believe that perhaps some people could benefit from my ramblings, and indeed there are some people who need to hear it.

Two years ago my life changed. After 33 years, my body suddenly decided to flip a genetic switch and activate a disease that had been sitting and waiting in the shadows since my genetic code was written in the womb. I was diagnosed by a neurologist as having the same metabolic disorder that my sister had been diagnosed with 15 years prior. The condition is on the list of forms of muscular dystrophy, and I was referred to a specialist who did a biopsy of my muscle tissue in my leg for verification. That in itself is a story I will discuss here soon.

This blog I hope will become a place for others in my boat to discuss issues and insights, pains and triumphs, and ultimately deal with the realities of living limited. I will post anecdotes, rants, raves, helpful information, and whatever else pops in my head that relates to the general topic. I look forward to your comments and interaction. I hope you enjoy what you find here, or at least get some use out of it.

Welcome to Pains and Recreation. Thanks for reading.